Dark October Merchandise Store.

Dark October Merchandise Store

Coming soon…

As indie developers behind Dark October, we’re not rich or famous. We’re just a bunch of people passionate about games, especially action RPGs, with a dream to develop and publish a game just like that. So, when we became a licensed Playstation developer, we were jumping up and down and determined to complete Dark October game despite our lack of funds.

Should you decide to support us in our dream, you have our utmost thanks! Please give to development of Dark October by purchasing our merchandise when Dark October Store is ready. 100% of profits from our merchandise goes directly to the development of Dark October.

Watch this page or follow us on social media to be the first to know when our Dark October Store comes live.

Currently, Dark October is under slow development. We needed to slow down so we can continue to cover our living expenses. Once profits from our merchandise reach a certain threshold, we’ll speed up the development of Dark October.